Hey there,
Today it's a highly sought after job. Girls from different parts of the world dream of being one; and working for one of those high-end designer labels. As the years have rolled by; the highly immoral working conditions have shifted towards a more accepting and considerate work environment. But we still have a long way to go. Nevertheless, we have come a long way too. There wasn't a work ethic always. Least of all during the era of the very first supermodel.
I highly doubt if you've ever heard of Audrey Munson. She lived for 104 long...really long years. We should have heard of her, right? Being alive for this long must have felt eternity?? Am almost sure it did for her; especially after attempting suicide at 31. In the end, she had to spend the last 65 years of her life in an asylum. But how come this extremely well known (during her time) and highly sought after supermodel, working in the (so-called) glamour world of today; end up this way?
If you happen to live in New-York or have visited the very well-known city; then you most certainly have passed her at some point in time. She has been immortalised into statues and other such artistic displays all over the place. The only issue being...well...only a select few actually know that it's her.
Born in 1891; she moved to New York as a 17-year-old with a big dream of becoming a movie star someday. And as such, one fateful day, she was spotted by an artist, who; dazzled by her Grecian goddess-like features asked her to pose for some pictures. Thus began her journey as a model. She posed for various sculptors, and painters, and the like. She managed to amass a huge demand for herself and was able to become a success. She even got to star in some movies. Later. Towards the end.
What I should have mentioned earlier; is the fact that most of her work needed her to pose naked. She was the first woman to have appeared completely nude in a film. Her body was the sole inspiration for various famous artists. Likewise, the madness of people followed. Suddenly she found herself wrapped in scandals. A married man murdered his wife just to have a chance to marry this undoubtedly beautiful woman. After the situation was settled both in court and at the police station; she suddenly found herself without a job. The once famous "Miss Manhattan" or the "Panama-Pacific Girl" or even the "American Venus" was suddenly discarded. Done for. Arguably for having her name linked in scandals that were not under her control.
Depression and mental deterioration inevitably followed. Her mom threw her into an asylum. And for the remainder of her life, she lived there; possibly in appalling conditions; with almost no visitors.
Knowing that some have had it way worse than us; is probably the only way to be conscious of our stars. |
The first thing I felt, after learning all this was...gratitude. It may have been darn selfish of me but that's exactly what I felt. Gratitude, that I was lucky to be born in this day and age. Gratitude, for having caring people whom I call my parents. Gratitude; that so many people have sacrificed their lives before us to gift us with all that we have now.
But nevertheless; all this made me think a lot and ask myself several questions like... Are we objects? Guarded by morals as defined by others? Morals that keep changing with time? Morals; which when disobeyed; might result in us being shunned and forgotten? What are we then? Just slaves functioning in the framework of an ever-changing society? And then there is...Beauty. Such a pleasing attribute to have. Or is it really? Can people truly handle beauty? If yes...are their methods honourable? And who gets to define honour? ...
What it must have felt like to be once so darn famous and eventually to die in an unmarked grave I don't know. There's no way I can know. Nor can anybody else. Hopefully. At least not in this day and age.