I get confused

      It's confusing.

I have always had big dreams. As I started growing up and realising things on my own, I started to conjure up wishes and aspirations for myself. They were cloudy and indistinct for a very long time. But one day when I had a slightly clearer view of what was at the core of all my desires, I decided to let my guardians know.
      They chided me for having my leg in the air, and it hurt for some reason. 

 Despite knowing they would reject my ideas and principles the moment they heard it, I nevertheless kept blabbing about them. I willed them to think like me, to support me, to tell me more and guide me down the path I wanted to take, to accept me and help me. 
      "If you carry on thinking like this no good will ever come. Keep your feet on the ground beneath you. Try to accept it...that is the way to happiness. In short let go of your stupid beliefs."...I was told.

 I knew they weren't entirely wrong. I knew they weren't entirely right as well. But I just couldn't understand, neither can I understand it even now: why I have this pathological need to be accepted by them. I know many people just do what they want without caring about their own folks. For me, I just wanted to be accepted by one of them. That'd have been enough for me. Just a single person to help and support me.

 But something weird happened. There came a person who didn't trample my dreams to the ground. Instead, he kept helping me to realise my dreams the best way I possibly can. I was thrown off balance. This was not the reaction I normally received after someone had heard me out. Naturally I didn't know what to do and probably ended up hurting him. 
I am confused.


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